
A discord bot that provides a random image from the designated folder, along with a random quote from a text file.

Gex the Gecko is a platformer game series with releases spanning from 1994-1999. I was looking for a python-based project and a discord bot seemed like the perfect idea. The eventual goal was a bot that would respond with a random quote and image from an easy to modify filesystem. I parsed a website containing all known in-game quotes into a text file and proceeded to crowd-source any related images.

Note: This project has been deprecated due to a change in Discord policies regarding bot interactions, see this announcement for more information. This project for reference-only.


  • Created in Python 3 using discord.py version 1.3.x.
  • Shared source repo for text/image files. Allowed any discord member to add/modify content.
  • Hosted locally on a Raspberry Pi 4.
  • Responded to the !gex command in chat.

example code

import random
from discord.ext.commands import Bot
from discord import File
import os
import math


bot = Bot(command_prefix='!')

async def on_ready():
    print("Login as")

async def random_gex(ctx):
    if os.path.exists('textlist.txt'):
        lines = open('textlist.txt', encoding='utf-8').read().splitlines()
        text = random.choice(lines)

        image = os.listdir('./images/')
        imgString = random.choice(image)
        path = "./images/" + imgString

    await ctx.send(file=File(path))
    await ctx.send(text)



Example 1 Example 2 RIP GexBot